Happy Birthday!!

Well today is a special day! Today is not only Labor day but it is Mom’s birthday 🙂 A quick tribute: Mom i love you so much. You are so awesome and you are always such a good role model to me. Thank you for never failing to amaze me with how incredible of a person you are. I know that whenever i need a hand or some advice you are always there for me. Thank you for being you.

Love you mom!

Family Trip

Well today was a great day! Went to church and had a great day there! Then we prepared to go on our weekend Labor Day Trip! Were currently in a hotel right up by six flags so that we can get up and go to six flags tomorrow! Im so excited because its gonna be a great time at the park tomorrow 🙂

-Ryan (Post 12)

Just Married! (Not me of course)

Today was an awesome end to an awesome week. School was great. The JV and Varsity football teams won their season openers! to end it all I went to a Mexican wedding tonight with a bunch of my friends. It was one of the coolest most energetic experiences because everyone was just so happy and thankful for everything. I cannot wait for the day when that comes for me 🙂 Oh and happy 17th birthday to my best friend Mckinnley 🙂 Love you!

-Ryan B. (Post 11)


If there is one thing that has helped me through high school it is definetely knowing that im going through all the troubles with true friends. It is a great feeling to know that if you have any problems that you can always go to your if you need anything. I love my friends because had they not told me to join Show Choir i honestly have no idea where i would be.

Show Choir is such an incredible sport because it combines singing and dancing into one so you really get the feel of the music. I love it because it is a perfect way to express emotion in certain dance moves and phrases. I am so grateful for my friends because they encouraged me to join Show Choir! It is just amazing 🙂

This is post number 10 on Through The Lens of Ryan B.
See you once it’s the weekend 🙂

Homecoming Proposal

Today was probably one of the greatest days ever! Everything seemed to fall in place and it was perfectly sound day. My friends and i were able to work towards putting a soccer team together for the winter season! We also held “interviews” for said team!

After school was when the fun began! I asked my good friend Jenny to Homecomjng by having her arrested! Yes arrested. I took her tee-peeing last night so we had a motive to arrest her! Then i had a buddy arrest her for tresspassing and vandalism on property! Then he read her her miranda rights and this is how it went 🙂 “You have the right to remain silent, and the right to an attorney. Anythig you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. (Then he paused) you also have the right to go to homecoming with Ryan Boswell) then i popped out with a sign! She said yes and i am so excited 🙂 but it turns out she knew what was happening because she saw me run through her backyard in my vivid blue pants with a big poster board. Ohh well 🙂

Today was just a fantastic day and im so grateful for everything i have been given. This has been post number 9 on “Through The Lens of Ryan B.”

“Dont You Want to Feel like a Rebel”

The lyrics “Don’t you want to feel like a rebel” are from a song we are currently doing for our fall show in Show Choir this year at Naperville North. It is from the song Renegade! These lyrics kind of sum up the vents of my night 🙂 I went to rehearsal for Entourage and then afterwards took my friend Jenny to go tee-peeing so I could have her arrested tomorrow night so I can ask her to the Homecoming dance. (full description of what happens comes tomorrow) Basically I told her I needed help finding a kids house and needed her help to tee-pee him as well. So we found his house and were able to get a couple rolls in before his dad came home (all planned events of course) then we ran away (Rebellious right?) and I dropped her off and then drove right back to my friends house to clean up all the toilet paper ;). The thing is that she has no idea I will be using this against her and having her “arrested” for vandalism on private property. I’m super excited to see how it all plays out!


On the other hand today was just fabulous! It seemed that everything went well and not one bad thing happened to me (as I knock on wood). I think my favorite quote from today was something my US History teacher told us and that was “We learn from history in the past so we don’t make the same mistakes in the present.” I think this is so awesome because we learn from the mistakes we made in the past so that we don’t fall in to temptation and make those same mistakes once again.


Well this is Ryan Boswell signing off with post number 8 on Through The Lens of Ryan B.

I Like Who I Am

Last Sunday we were directed by our Sunday School teacher to plagiarize (yes, plagiarize) and write a poem changing to the words so it fit our lives. It is titled “I Like Who I am” and this is my version.


“I Like Who I Am”


I like to sleep,

British Accents

the first day Of EFY

and having true friends

I like John Mayer music

and sitting on the trampoline

under the stars

I like poetry that doesn’t make sense

but mainly swimming to

certain songs

I like big toothy smiles

and happy, joyous faces

but most of all

laughing with friends

I like warm fires on

cold nights

and music that makes

you think

I like knowing I am a Son of God

counting blessing

and naming them all

one by one


love my family

and serving others

and knowing I am loved

I Like Who I Am

This poem really describes how I feel about life, certain people and the way things are run. Most of all I love being with my family and friends because I know that they are the most important people in my life, so thank you for all you guys do 🙂 I definetly love who I am.

This is Ryan Boswell signing off with post number 7 on Through The Lens of Ryan B.


See you tomorrow 🙂




Spritual Sunday



Sunday is definitely my favorite day of the week. Without a doubt it is the best because you get to relax, sit back and read a book on the deck, take some interesting photos and best of all go to church for an incredible 3 meetings to come closer to our savior and heavenly father. Today we focused a lot on families and being grateful for what we’ve been given. We have focused a lot on the past. I heard a very good quote today and I’d like to share it. It goes like this, “On a tombstone you will see 4 things. a Name, a birthdate a Dash and a Death date. Our job here on earth is to record what happens in that dash, what events occur and what life events come to pass while here on earth.” I just thought that was so interesting because it talks about how we can choose what we want to do but we need to leave a lasting impression while we are here.


I like to reflect on what happened throughout the past week as well as name the best and worst things that happened! I think the best part of the week was getting to spend time with my really great friends McKinnley, Jonah, and Cassidy on Monday at Six Flags. It was probably one of the best days of summer because we spent it together having an incredible time just getting away from everything! The toughest part was probably adjusting my sleep schedule to seminary and school. It was tough going from a “Waking up at 10:00 am every day to a 5:20 wake up call.” But I know it’ll be worth it in the long run because everything happens for a reason eh?


This upcoming week should be a lot of fun because it is our first full week of school! I cannot believe that I’m an upperclassmen… Time flies when your having fun or so I’ve heard. I am most definitely having fun because I have lived here half my life and I cant even remember where all the time has gone!


I’m so grateful for everything we have been given and for all that was sacrificed for us! I love being an American because we have our agency and freedom to choose how we live our lives here on Earth 🙂

This has been post number 6 on #ThroughTheLensOfRyanB and I will be back on Monday night (tomorrow) 🙂

It’s a Beautiful Night.



Today was an overall incredible day. It started out with me waking up to us all frantically scavenging for the keys to our car that I had lost when I came home late from the concert last night. We searched the house, outside, EVERYWHERE! We couldn’t seem to find them until I was walking out our back door and I saw something wedged in between the wall and Maggie’s bed… (Maggie is my 10 year old Golden Retriever). I was so happy because I was going to have to pay for a new set of keys (Not an cheap process) and pay for a locksmith to get into the car! That would’ve taken a big chunk out of my savings account to say the least!

Well now for the good part! Today was my best friend’s little brother’s birthday party! It was a Mexican Fiesta because they moved here a year ago from Mexico! It was a great time to learn about the culture and also to eat some incredible tacos, desserts, and different foods 🙂 Feliz Cumpleanos Santiago! (Happy Birthday)

Some friends from the Naperville stake got together at one of the parents houses and we played laser tag in the backyard! It was like a nerf war it was a full on laser tag war with games and teams and everything. We had about a quarter mile perimeter to run around on a golf course and through the neighborhood where we were playing! It was such a fun time and so exciting to see everyone there and having a good time with eachother 🙂 The best part was when Mckinnley brought doughnuts from Dunkin Doughnuts though cause she is awesome 🙂

Well tomorrow is my favorite day of the week and will be an awesome day! This is Ryan Boswell signing off on Through The Lens Of Ryan B. and post number 5! See you tomorrow!